Volkswagen International Exhibition Exhibition IZB 2018 is inaugurated today. Volkswagen is one of the largest car industry companies in the world, and this fair represents a great opportunity for BiH companies to strengthen their business contacts and establish new ones.
Organized by the Federation of BiH Chamber of Commerce, eight companies from the automotive sector of BiH have the opportunity to show themselves in the best light and present an assortment of their products and services. The companies performing at the fair are CORE d.o.o. Sarajevo, EMKA Bekto, Plamingo d.o.o., Pobjeda d.d. Tešanj, Saraj - Komerc d.o.o., TMD Group d.o.o., Wagner Automotiv d.o.o. and Zinkteknik Bosnia d.o.o. .
The Chamber of Economy of the FB&H was visited by a delegation of the Government of the Federation of BiH headed by Prime Minister Novalić, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry Mr.Džindić, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Trade Mr.Vujanović and Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry Mr.Buljan.
The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the project „Development of the Automotive Industry of the FB&H“ supported the appearance of BiH companies at IZB 2018.
The future of the automotive industry and the pace of change happening in this industry can be seen live. This is precisely what prompts the BiH automotive industry to follow trends and continue its active presence at the major carmakers worldwide, which determine the direction of development of the automotive industry.
„Think Digital“ is the theme of the 10th IZB International Fair, which brought together 839 exhibitors from 34 countries, divided into 7 halls, thematically separated.
These activities are also recognized and supported by the USAID WHAM project.