About AIA members

The Automotive Industry Association (AIA) of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a form of organizing its members from the automotive industry in the Chamber of Economy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The main objective of the AIA is to create conditions for better problem solving in the automotive industry and to create the preconditions for improving the business operations. AIA counts about 40 companies and 25 of them are directly working for automotive industry. Priorities are to find effective solutions for faster problem solving and representation of the FB&H economy’s interest in the authorities and administration. Companies within association can act together or solely to satisfy mutual or specific personal interests.


Our members are focused on quality and delivering top quality parts and products compliant to most recent industry standards. The production is made in state-of-the-art tacilities and production lines.


AIA Catalog





Make a smart choice
Invest in parts production
If you are looking for a good investment opportunity, think about investing in Bosnia and Herzegovina automotive industry.
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Searching for supplier? Moving production?
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Engineering 4.0
Advanced technologies promise to have as much—or more—impact on engineering design and product development in the next 4 years as they have in the past 400.