The company Krupa Kabine doo, Bosanska Krupa, has been in various forms of organization for 40 years, and under the present name it starts to operate from 19.10.2009. and is part of the Siac group.
Production plants Krupa Kabine d.o.o. are spread over more than 10,000 m2. More than 250 workers Krupa Kabina d.o.o. daily follows the demands of many buyers. In the company Krupa Kabine d.o.o. more than 100 certified welders are employed. The company also employs certified workers for performing visual inspection (VT), liquid penetrant testing (PT) and ultrasound checks (UT).
In addition to the ISO 9001: 2008 certificate, ISO 3834-2, 2451-CPR-EN1090-2016.0172.001, we also have the EU Declaration of Conformity, which confirms that the product meets the basic requirements of the applicable legislation.
The company offers complete solutions for its customers from the development of products, development of technical documentation, tool making, production of finished products, and control of accuracy, for the world’s largest leaders in the production of construction and agricultural machinery such as Caterpillar, Liebherr, Bobcat, Magni, JLG, Kubota, Carraro, Massey Ferguson ...