Prevent Group in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of a global company that employs over 13,000 employees in 36 locations worldwide. Prevent in Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in 1999 and is today the leading exporter and employer. When it appeared on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prevent employed 50 workers, but from the following year continuously expanded its production capacities, opened new jobs and increased the export of a wide product range to the world markets. Today Prevent operates at 16 locations in B&H and employs 6,500 employees.
The data confirming Prevent’s motto “where entrepreneurial enthusiasm encounters professionalism in construction” suggests that Prevent’s upholstery is found in 15% of cars in Europe. In addition to the automotive industry, Prevent is significantly present in the metal segment with capacity of 40,000 tons per year, as well as segments of production of plastic components for the automotive industry. Prevent is a recognizable name in the segments of fashion clothing, furniture, protective equipment, footwear and nautics, andis a partner of the world’s leading brands in these areas.